Wednesday, December 28, 2011

"last christmas started this way, with me getting crapped on."
name that movie!
christmas didn't really start with me getting crapped on, but for some reason that hilarioius line keeps popping in my head.

christmas was actually really great again this year. i won't bore you with play-by-play details of how we spent the weekend, but i would like to say:
  • new tradition: sleepover with the sisters on christmas eve eve.
  • christmas should always be on a sunday. it really put the day in focus to start out by praising and worshipping God, thanking Him for the gift of His son, and contemplating the miracle of His birth and life.
  • it took us until 1 pm on christmas day to finish eating/opening presents. i loved dragging it out.
  • my mother is the best at giving thoughtful gifts.
  • coco nearly shredded my little sister's bike tire because her ball got stuck behind it.
  • i love when i get to spend full days with mike.
  • i also love giving gifts and seeing the surprised/excited expressions on others' faces.
  • just dance on the wii=hilarious. my dad playing just dance on the wii=no words.
  • i suppose not having snow made for nice travelling weather, but what is up with this smog?
a few of my favorite photos from this december:

1 comment:

Kennedy Allen said...

hahahaha with me getting crapped on!!! seriously love that line. haha. loved christmas this year. love ya(: