Tuesday, October 13, 2009


i decided to jump on the bandwagon and share with you just 27 of the reasons i love this guy so much....

1. i've said it before, and i'll say it again: he doesn't just offer me a shoulder to cry on, he cries with me.

2. he cannot keep secrets.

3. he is always right. there's no point arguing with him.

4. he is level-headed and rational.

5. he randomly starts dancing in the grocery store aisles. LOVE that :)

6. he knows everything about sports. seriously, i don't know how he knows all the random little details about every team, player, and coach.

7. he loves coco.

8. he is always hot, and i am always cold. works well.

9. he has a testimony and lives it.

10. he is the best listener, and unlike most guys, he's really okay to just listen and not feel the need to solve all my problems.

11. he gently reminds me when i'm being irrational and crazy. (which lately has been quite often...)

12. he respects his parents.

13. he is a great budgeter.

14. he is a first-generation college student and will be graduating in may. hip hip!

15. he likes to snuggle. (or more like he knows i like to snuggle so he pretends :) )

16. he gets excited when i sew cute things.

17. he gets along with everyone.

18. i still get butterflies in my stomach when i hear his voice on the other end of the phone.

19. while i am playing postlude on the organ, he'll sneak up behind me and start singing his own version of the hymn i am playing. i can never keep a straight face.

20. he hates halloween (and byu) as much as i do!

21. he plays the air guitar or drums when his favorite songs come on the car radio.

22. he pretends to like everything i cook.

23. he loves expensive pens and pencils.

24. he served an honorable mission and still loves talking about it.

25. his nickname is goldberg. goldberg always was my favorite wrestler :)

26. he opens every door for me. very chivalrous.

27. he makes me want to be a better person.

happy birthday babe! i love ya!


Jacki said...

What a sweet tribute to Mike. Happy Birthday Mike I hope its a great one! :) It was good to see you guys on Sunday!

Trina said...

Sweet. Happy birthday to your hubby!

Annika said...

This is precious! You guys just make the perfect match. Mike is a stand-up guy. :) and you totally deserve him in every way. Happy birthday and sorry I barged in on the celebration!

Camille said...

I love this post! Happy Birthday to Mike! I can't decide if my favorite thing on the list is him dancing in the grocery store or sneaking up on you playing the postlude. I'm so happy that you guys found each other and are still in love throughout all the trials you've faced together!

Camilla said...

What a cute list. You guys are MFEO (made for each other :)). I love that he likes expensive pens. My guy does too!

Annie said...

Carly- you are adorable! I have a garage full of apples- do you want any?