Sunday, October 18, 2009

3 down, 70 to go

what i can't see is how i'm ever gonna love you more,
but i've said that before.
now you're my whole life,
now you're my whole world...
we'll look back someday
at this moment that we're in,
and i'll look at you and say,
and i thought i loved you then.


Trina said...

Beautiful wedding pictures! Congrats!

Christa said...

Congrats on three years! It goes by way too fast... You are gorgeous Carly- hope everything is going good for you!

Julie said...

congratulations to a beautiful couple. i loved that post! and here is wishing you AT LEAST 70 more happy years together!

Jen Jarrett said...

Beautiful! Congratulations!

Ashley said...

Happy Anniversary, Carly!!!

Jacki said...

Congratulations on 3 years! I don't think that I have seen all of your wedding pictures. They are beautiful!

Ben and Amanda said...

It seems like it was just last month that we were going to Rocky Point with you guys for your first date and a week ago that we were at your wedding. I can't belive how fast time goes by. Congrats! And thanks for being such great friends even though we don't see each other that often.

Brad and Darci said...

Happy Anniversary! I love all your pics- you guys are so cute!

Kennnneddy said...

Awe presh ;) love you kids!!!

The Nate and Sara Project said...

When I think of our wedding-ness, I can only think of that blasted social security office...

Camilla said...

Happy Anniversary! What a cute couple and a gorgeous bride! I love the pictures.

btw...those invitations for Annika's shower are to die for! You are so amazing!

Chelsie said...

first all...i heart brad paisley...secondly i heart you! it did my heart good when brandon "liked" mikes status on facebook...tender...we're moving back up there and we need to get our sports fans together so i can have some girl time. Happy anniversary! your wedding was beautiful!

Mandi said...

Happy Anniversary! Your guy sounds like he deserves you!! What a sweetheart!

Shannon said...

Carly! Those pictures are beautiful! Can you believe that we have both been married 3 years? I hope you hope a great celebration. I am excited for the shower tomorrow and to get to seee you! It has been Way too long:)