outside my window.... bright yellow leaves are peeking through a layer of wet snow
i am thinking.... about lunch & the fact that drew gets home one week from today!
i am thankful for... our jobs, my doctor, a considerate husband, my ipod, our little home, and living close to the temple
from the kitchen... pumpkin chocolate chip bread
i am wearing.... jeans and a hoodie. yay for cold weather
i am creating... gifts for a baby shower and a felt pillow
i am going... to take a couple days off next week and spend lots of time with family
i am reading.... the infinite atonement by tad r. callister. it's wonderful
i am hoping.... that i can keep resisting the donut that someone strategically placed right in front of me.
i am hearing.... "for once in my life" by michael buble
around the house.... muddy linoleum floor. i can't keep it clean!
one of my favorite things... snuggling under the rag quilt and watching so you think you can dance. i wish i could dance.
plans for the week.... teaching piano tonight, baby shower tomorrow, murder mystery party friday.
a picture to share.... (not my picture, but a picture of the felt pillow i used as inspiration for the one i'm making)

I CANNOT believe Drew gets home one week from today! that is insane! Hmmm, a baby shower is on my aganda too... what a small world. :) Can't wait to see ya there tomorrow!
I love that you love the cold weather like I do. That is so exciting for you that drew is coming home so soon! Hope you have a good weekend with all of your festivities!
I can't believe drew comes home a week from today. How exciting!
Looks like you have alot planned for the week..enjoy time with your family. :)
P.S. You could so graciously make me a pillow too. :)
I love that you aren't complaining about the snow and cool weather! It's all anyone talks about these days. I say "thank goodness for changing weather or we would all get bored". Plus sweaters and layering and boots and sweater dresses and opaque tights and scarves and fingerless gloves and crocheted hats are the best. Tell Drew hi. I still think he's the cutest boy ever. I hope you have fun fun fun as a newly reunited family. I'm excited to see you FRIDAY.
P.S. Are you prego? I had a dream the other night that you were. Maybe you should check just to be safe. I tend to be right on these things. Weird.
P.S.S I wish you could dance too.
Now you have to make sure to post the finished product of the pillow that you are making. I bet it will be cute!
What a cute post! I can't believe Drew is going to be home! Wow, that went fast! I LOVE that pillow! I can't wait to see your version, be sure to post it! See you tonight! :)
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