Monday, October 5, 2009

*the weekend

*in photo form


Camille said...

I love the quilt! The fabrics are beautiful! Did you go for a drive up the canyon? I was just getting ready to post pictures of what we did this weekend...Great minds think alike!! It looks like you guys had fun and ate yummy food! I love how your door turned out!

JaNae said...

What a great Conference Weekend!! I totally love that quilt, you are amazing...and the chalkboard door...very creative! Yeah, a temple in Brigham :) Amazing!

Chelsie said...

oh car, i love the quilt!!! it is fabulous!!!! what a great weekend, and i was so happy to see that diet coke has made it's way back into your life. heart you

Jen Jarrett said...

Awe! It looks like such a great weekend. You are so cute and do so many cute things!

Mrs. Jaybird said...

What a gorgeous quilt! Looks like a great weekend to me! I wish I still had that kind of time :(

Trina said...

So, did you make the adorable quilt? Is that a chalk board, door? Your house looks so cute and fun!

Ben and Amanda said...

Mark did a great job taking those pictures:)
One day I will maybe be talented enough and have time enough to make a quilt like that. For now I will just have to keep being jealous of your sewing skills.

Jacki said...

Love the quilt. Did you make it? I love how the door turned out in your kitchen, very clever. Looks like you had a fun filled weekend with friends and yummy food. :)

Annika said...

I am so impressed with that quilt! Impressed... but not surprised. After all remember that day we sewed together, and all day I randomly burst out say "I'M SEWING" or "I CAN SEW"? That was fun. Thanks for being such a patient teacher. Looks like the perfect weekend.

Ben and Camille said...

i love that quilt! and that chalk board door is such a sweet idea! i love it!