perhaps i'm being selfish.
perhaps the thing i want most has consumed me and confused me and upset me so much that now i'm just being selfish.
perhaps i want the wrong thing and perhaps i want something i can't have.
perhaps i should stop putting "all my eggs in one basket," but i honestly don't feel strong enough to start perusing a different path right now. i don't know if i am strong enough.
perhaps jonathon safran foer was on to something when he wrote, "I tried the key in all the doors, even though he said he didn’t recognize it. It’s not that I didn’t trust him, because I did. It’s that at the end of my search I wanted to be able to say: I don’t know how I could have tried harder."
and perhaps i just need to keep trying harder,
taking all the turns down the road i'm on before doing a u-turn,
exhausting all the options so that i can one day say, i don't know how i could have tried harder.
I wish you could've been in my Ward today. Our Sunday School teacher is an Institute teacher and amazing. For no apparent reason and nothing to do with the lesson, he started off by telling us that his brother-in-law and his wife have been trying to get pregnant their entire marriage, they've tried fertility and finally decided it just wasn't meant to be. Well, they are both 46 and just had twin girls! He told us that "you never know WHEN the Lord will bless you with what you ask for" and that waiting often makes you appreciate it more and down the road you'll learn to appreciate the Lord's timing. I know you're frustrated and I wish there was something I could do. I think you have the right attitude, do everything you possibly can and then leave the rest up to the Lord. I love you and know that you'll make an amazing mother!!! I just wish I could give you an answer for when that will happen.
Car-I love you too. I appreciate your update email a few weeks ago and your comment on the blog. I was totally thinking of you that day I was feeling so sorry for myself. And yes, shame on me. And yes dear, exhaust ALL avenues before turning around. You dont want regrets or what ifs... not in this case. I've been thinking about you and we put your names in the temple. I always do. Hows the job hunt? Any decisions to move forward? Im sending you a huge hug through blogger :)
i love you sister.
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