Tuesday, September 14, 2010

when all you can do is laugh

exhibit a: i played the wrong hymn during our sacrament meeting last week. there i am, playing the introduction to what i thought was the right song, and the chorister runs over to me and starts hitting the hymn book, pointing to the song on the other side of the page. how does one recover from that? the chapel is totally quiet, everyone is listening and getting ready to sing, and there's really no way to discreetly start playing a different hymn after you've started playing the wrong one. i wanted to crawl in a hole and never play the organ in front of anyone ever again. when i had to go back up to play the rest hymn, mike so kindly reminded me which number it was so i didn't play the wrong one again.

exhibit b: i was driving the other day when a 5-gallon bucket flew out of the truck in front of me and i hit it. it got stuck way under my car and made a really awful sound as it scraped against the road. who runs over a 5-gallon bucket and manages to get it lodged underneath the back end of the car? i gradually made my way off to the shoulder and tried to look under my car like i knew what i was doing and how to get the bucket unstuck, but let's be honest, i couldn't even reach the bucket unless i layed flat on the asphalt and i was in a white shirt and skirt. not happening. i tried to kick the bucket with my foot. no luck. i squatted down and stretched my arm as far as it could reach, but i wasn't close to touching the bucket. i stood back up laughing and praying that someone would feel inclined to stop and help. lo and behold, a sheriff saw me pulled off to the side and came over to get the bucket unstuck. it's the only time in my life i've been grateful to see those flashing red and blue lights behind me.

needless to say, i've laughed at myself a lot this week.


Lisa said...

that is way to funny - i have not done that but I prepared the wrong lesson for RS once.

The Nate and Sara Project said...

What can you do, really?! I have had many an experience where I just want to crawl in a hole, but I don't know what good that would do for us. I have now taken on this mantra. I am just going to laugh, laugh, laugh. ;)

Diane Denning said...

That is funny. I am glad that you can laugh at yourself and I am glad that the nice officer was able to help you out with the bucket! I am positive your playing the wrong hymn brightened up the meeting! :)

KENNEDY(: said...

i really love this. it just made my day even though you already told me. haha.

Erin :) said...

Carly...I LOVE THIS POST! I can only imagine your facial expressions as you discovered you were playing the wrong song and then to have to stay there and play another...admiration! Seriously! Way to go! :)

Jacki said...

haha..i LOVE this.
i'm not laughing at you..i'm laughing right along with you. i admire you for staying up there and continuing to play the organ. way to go! i am grateful to the nice officer who so kindly stopped to help with the bucket too. ;]

Chelsie said...

haha oh how i heart you. i have lots of experiences like that as well. can we please get together....for real...please

Brad and Darci said...

All I can say is that I am way impressed that you can even play the organ- who cares if it is the wrong song! Laughing is better than crying so good for you!

Trina said...

I love you hymn story! At least you know how to play to organ. I wish I could play it in the first place, then I'd be able to mess it up! I bet a few people had a good laugh and I bet no one but you remembered once they got home!
The bucket, that's awesome. I don't even know how you'd get it out without jacking up the car.

By the way: I have a few friends who need lots of help getting pregnant. They really do appreciate their kids so much! I have been blessed to gte pregnant easily, but I often pray for those who can't. Kids are so wonderful and you will have some and love them more than imaginable! Good luck! Love ya!