Monday, February 15, 2010

love day

it felt like we celebrated this fun little holiday all weekend. we played a homemade version of the newlywed game with friends on friday night. it was quite funny trying to match answers with the husband and finally getting him to answer the question, what's your favorite meal that your wife cooks? his answer: chimichangas. (my guess: calzones) good to know what his favorite is, because he will never answer that question when i ask him. we also played "i've never" and learned all sorts of fun things about each other.

for our date on saturday, we planned on eating at texas roadhouse, but when we called at 5 pm the wait was 2 hours! who wants to wait 2 hours for dinner? not i. so we ate at bajio instead, which in my opinion is just as good as texas roadhouse. then we went to a play done by pickleville playhouse called the hanging of el bandito. it was hilarious, and i love supporting their shows because most of them are written by a local guy here in cache valley.

we spent the real v-day enjoying a yummy dinner - pioneer woman's drip beef (thanks for the idea chels!) and i got to take a long nap while mike attended EQ meetings. now that drew is also living in logan, my family likes to drive up and visit more often :) so we spent the afternoon playing catch phrase and laughing off all the calories from dinner. cheesy as it may be...we love this holiday!


Brad and Darci said...

Sounds like lots of fun! We too had Bajio- I love that place. Glad you guys had so much time together!

Jacki said...

Sounds like you guys had a fun filled weekend! The newlywed game sounds like it was hilarious and catch phrase is a way fun game. I want to get that when i have a little extra money.
Car, your hair is getting so long! Super cute pic of you and mike. :)

jess bahr said...

What a great weekend! I love Valentine's Day - I think it should be celebrated much more than once a year! Cute pic by the way!

Annika said...

Sounds like you guys had a wonderful Valentines Day. Us, not so much. Hallie got her 2 month shots, so we spent all weekend comforting a screaming baby... How Romantic. :) lets get together soon!

Camilla said...

How fun! I love the picture. What a cute couple! :)

Kennedy said...

Let's get this straight. It's not because of drew. Mmmk? K bye.

Chelsie said...

ah happy love day to you two! love the pic. i'm glad you enjoyed the drip beef...mmm i'm salivating a little thinking about it