i had to spell my last name out about 50 times, and 45 out of 50 people didn't listen to me to say " k-r-o-p as in paul f as in frank" and frantically called back because their email wouldn't go through. would it be rude to tell people that if they don't listen and get it right the first time, i will not spell it again? didn't think so.
i bought a new solia straightener because my CHI broke. i liked the CHI better.
i had all intentions of starting to deep clean the kitchen but went dress shopping with didi instead. dress shopping was much more fun.
mike and i realized how much we love logan and hope to stay here after he graduates. it's our home.
i treated myself to a hot fudge brownie shake from charlie's. while i didn't need it, i definitely deserved it :)
i found the greatest online to-do list form at teuxdeux.com. anything you don't get done on one day automatically transfers to the next day. i feel much more organized in just the few days i've been using it.
i scrubbed the linoleum floor.
i spent all of our FSA money.
i realized that my hair is long enough to chew on.

oh the exciting life i live!
I bet it was your 24 moment that made you realize that you love Logan so much and that you never want to leave!
wow, i have never been in the temple when it's been that busy!! It must have been a weekend that you went!
I'm sad that you guys want to stay in Logan. Ben and I have had this secret desire that you would move down here when he graduates so that we would have another couple to go do things with. It is purely a selfish thing, but nonetheless Logan is a great place to live.
the K-R-O-P-F spelling cracks me up! bethie goes through that alot too, ha.
i am happy that you call Logan your home, although i wish we lived closer to do some crafts together. ah well, gives me more reason to come visit. :)
Definitely important that you figured out you could chew on your hair. You crack me up. Also...about the hold up at the temple...I'm pretty sure Utahans have really caught on to the regular temple attendance thing...I have been to 3 different temples in 3 weeks and they're all PACKED! Its awesome! :)
I completely agree with you on the e-mail thing! With all the grants I've been applying for, no one back east can spell Ogden and I know there's a few e-mails I should have received but haven't! I love that picture of you...you're so cute! I'm glad you love living in Logan...I've always thought it would be fun to live there.
ha, i love the last pic. when are we going to get together?! i hope you guys stay in logan too...brandon and i always discuss how we would like to live there...we heart that town
You are so cute Carly! I love reading about all your adventures! It was so fun to see you yesterday. Next time I come to Logan, I want to come see your house! And I expect a detailed tour. :)
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