Monday, November 16, 2009

name them one by one...

"the man who forgets to be thankful has fallen asleep in life!"
a few things i'm thankful for...
being thankful is really easy when things are going your way, right? it's easy to recognize our blessings when we feel so content that we couldn't possibly want another thing in life. however, when things aren't going the way we plan or hope or want, it can be challenging to notice the blessings we have and express gratitude for them. elder bednar gave a talk in general conference not too long ago and told a story about having a general authority visit his family when he was president at BYU idaho. a tragedy had recently happened in the community (don't remember exactly what it was) but the general authority counseled elder bednar's wife to offer a prayer to the lord where she only THANKED him for their blessings. have you ever tried to say a prayer where you only thanked the lord? i am guilty of praying most fervently when i'm asking him for something, not thanking him for all i have. so my goal for the rest of the month is to wake up and thank the lord for my many blessings. to pay more attention to his hand in my life and to express more gratitude to him for all he has done for me.


Camille said...

I love your lists! I just set a goal to say a prayer a week that I only THANK the Lord rather than ask for things. It's amazing to realize how truly blessed we are...even if we don't have everything we want right now.

Tera said...

I love your list too! Thanks for the uplifting message. I may steal the quote at the beginning of your post.

The last few months I have had a recurring moment where I just pause and think about all my blessings. It seems that when we focus on our blessings we receive so many more. Thanks. I hope your holidays are great!

Jacki said...

I too love your list!! Thank you Carly for such an uplifting blog post. :)

Chelsie said...

oh car, i heart you and i always love the little lists that you do. i'm thankful for you, i think you're amazing!

Camilla said...

You are so cute Carly! I love your thankful list. And I love the idea of a thankful prayer. I really need to start doing that. :)

Mandi said...

Ditto! You are so right on that one. You are such a great example.
I can't believe Drew is home from a mission... you have no idea how old that makes me feel! I love watching all of you guys grow up!

Ben Garrison said...

Cute post! And Amen! I think I might copy you if you don't mind:) It just looks like too much fun to use all the different fonts!! :)