a salesman called my place of employment and asked to talk to my parents. ha! there's an easy way to loose a sale. and do i really sound like i'm 10 when i answer the phone?
i don't know how i feel about getting work emails on my blackberry. it just means that i have more places to delete emails, and at 9:00 pm, i still receive messages from everyone who's upset about construction projects. lame.
i don't know how i feel about getting work emails on my blackberry. it just means that i have more places to delete emails, and at 9:00 pm, i still receive messages from everyone who's upset about construction projects. lame.
i bought a diet coke that was completely flat. it was like drinking diluted maple syrup. i'm sure it's a sign that i shouldn't be drinking it.
my little sister called someone who shall remain nameless a BAFOON. i'm going to find a way to work that word in all my future sentences.
i cried after reading this post from the rockstar diaries . haven't we all felt the same as naomi when she said, "i'm struggling for air right now and don't want to talk about it. perhaps someday. when i'm more courageous and trusting. when i'm a braver version of me."
my little sister called someone who shall remain nameless a BAFOON. i'm going to find a way to work that word in all my future sentences.
i cried after reading this post from the rockstar diaries . haven't we all felt the same as naomi when she said, "i'm struggling for air right now and don't want to talk about it. perhaps someday. when i'm more courageous and trusting. when i'm a braver version of me."
i'm trying to be a braver version of me.
Hi Carly! :) It's me Jossi, Natalie's sister! I just found your blog on her page and I love it!!
carly i love you! so did you drink the flat coke still? i agree on the blackberry...i don't have one...but it would be hard for me to leave work at work if i was still getting the emails and what not at home..
A bafoon. I like it. And how the heck do you always have such cute headers on your blog?
Eww, flat diet coke! Hope you didn't drink it. And you do not sound like a 10 year old when you talk on the phone, ha!
I must tell you one of my very favorite things about Carly Kropf is her love for Diet Coke. It's part of what makes you you, since I've known you. 9th grade, was it? I can't soak up enough of you. Thank goodness for blogs.
Bafoon, my friend. is a wonderful word.
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