Thursday, September 10, 2009

the good and the bad, part two

the good:
spending time with family.
roasting hot dogs on the fire.
banana boats.
cool weather.
listening to the elk bugle at night.
signal mountain nachos.
driving around the park in search of animals.
baby moose.
hiking to hidden falls.
the view from the top of signal mountain.
sweatshirts and blankets.
the bad:
mike got the flu bug and has been one sick boy for the last few days.
no sleep.
everything we brought home smells like smoke. including my hair.

i didn't see any bears. i didn't die. i actually had a great time, even though i came home completely exhausted because i maybe got 12 hours of sleep over the three-day weekend. sleeping bags are not my forte, as i move around waaay too much when i sleep to be confined to such a small space. mike had the same problem. we tried sleeping in the car one night, and i don't think that was any better than the sleeping bag. but that's really my only complaint. other than i'm still trying to catch up on laundry and i hate feeling dirty which you feel the whole time while camping. okay, done complaining. we love the tetons, and it was surely an experience to enjoy them while camping :)


Jacki said...

oh I loved hearing the elk bugle, that was so cool. The coyotes freaked me out though. Even if you didn't get much sleep, I hope you had fun. Poor mike, i'm glad he is feeling somewhat better.
We finally saw a huge moose before we left the park..he is my best friend now. :) Hope we can do it again real soon....well, when the weather is warmer.

Camille said...

I love your pictures! Especially the one in the bottom right with the moon over the mountains...beautiful! I'm so glad you survived and enjoyed it! I love to hear elk bugle at night! One night when we were in West Yellowstone, we could hear the wolves at the Discovery Center howling! It's fun to get out and enjoy the outdoors!

Chelsie said...

i love the new header! i'm glad you had a good time hiking despite the lack of sleep. it's so gorgeous!!

Annika said...

so glad you had fun! and more importantly, soooo glad you didn't get eaten alive by a big mean bear!

ps i have the same problem with sleeping bags, always have, always will.