Wednesday, September 30, 2009

make an autumn wish

the woods are full of fairies,
the sea is full of fish,
the trees are full of golden leaves,
let's make an autumn wish.

i'm wishing....
+for this canvas, found here

+that jalepeno poppers from arbys were healthy.

+that our stupid dog could not escape from her kennel. i wish she could entertain herself without finding shoes to destroy, floors to chew on, and small holes to stick her head through.

+for one of these lovely journals

+for plane tickets to new york and broadway tickets to bye bye birdie. uncle jesse as mr. albert peterson? yes please.
+for a shopping spree to suppose.

+for this washer and dryer-

+for these adorable baby shoes, found here. and perhaps for a baby to put in them.

a girl can wish, right? what are you wishing for?


Steph said...

Carly I just love how classy you are! You always have such cute ideas and great taste in clothes/styles, etc. Your blog always reminds me of something on a movie. ;) Those are some great wishes, I hope they all come true! (especially the baby one.. ;) )

J. said...

Those journals were so cute! And I loved the baby shoes. Hope your wishes come true!

Camille said...

I love all of these! Wouldn't it be wonderful if we had a fairy godmother to make all our wishes come true? Hope you have a great day! Love ya!

Jacki said...

oh carly, your so cute! I love reading your blog. I have lots of things to wish for, but I hope ALL of your wishes come true! :)

Chelsie said...

you deserve all those wishes....oh i love that washer and dryer though...mmm fabulous...i wish that it was the end of november and I had a little baby to hold in my arms and not in my belly :-)

Constantine said...

I wish for fall to last forever!! :)