Monday, September 1, 2008

Labor Day Weekend

We usually spend Labor Day Weekend in Island Park, but this year we stayed home so that we could help my grandpa celebrate is 80th birthday.

My grandpa is amazing. He has been through lots of health problems and several strokes in the last few years. He has such a positive attitude despite all his challenges. When asked how he's doing, he replies, "If I were any better, I'd be twins." All the family surprised him by going to church and after the meeting, he told us it was nice to have some people that weren't dead there :). My grandpa wrote me a letter every week when I moved away for school. He wrote all his missionary grandsons weekly, too. Unfortunately, he can't write or speak like he used to, so I will always treasure the letters he wrote me.

Saturday we enjoyed a trip to Salt Lake with my fam and ate at Rodizio Grill. Mmm I love that place. Kennedy slept over and kept the Coco dog entertained. They had some real bonding time.

We finished the weekend off by going to Wellsville's Founders Day. It was raining and freezing but we still had fun and watched the parade.
Quinton and Amanda-

Mike and I-

Steve, Diane, Holly, and Jared-


Brad and Darci said...

Your grandpa sounds pretty amazing. I am glad that you had such a fun weekend. Thank goodness for holidays:)

Jacki said...

Looks like you had a fun weekend! The parade looked fun despite the cold and rain. Coco is getting big since I saw her last! I look forward to seeing you guys on Friday...i hope I make it. :)

Ashley said...

Your grandpa is so cute! I love the picture of your sis playing with Coco!

Mandi said...

Your grandpa seems so sweet. I love that he wrote you every week in college. You and Mike are such a cute couple. Looks like you had all sorts of fun in the rain!

Annika said...

Oh your grandpa is such a cute little man! Remember when he took us to that play in Logan like a million years ago??? Looks like a way fun weekend! :)

Chelsie said...

happy birthday to your cute grandpa!! from the stories you've told me, he is amazing!!! I'm glad that he has such a positive attitude about things...i think that really makes a difference

Steph said...

I agree with everyone else, your grandpa is way cute! Don't you love grandpas? They're always so humble. Looks like you guys had a fun weekend!