Wednesday, August 27, 2008

dear USU. . .

i've had some bad experiences with you in the past.
holds on my registration every semester.
classes that are required for graduation but only taught 1 semester.
2 weeks to finish what should have been a year-long course.
no parking.
expensive books.
horrible poli-sci teacher.
but this semester will be better.
i guess you want me to leave in a good mood, right?
my science teacher will be awesome. (any teacher who tells the class that he wants to learn all 250 students' names has to be a good one)
my books were only $200.
i found parking.
i can graduate without taking the class you only teach 1 semester.
or i can take the class next fall and make you pay for it.
a psychology class about animal/child abuse that will be fascinating.
thank-you for making this a pleasant semester.
i'm looking forward to it.


Brad and Darci said...

For a second I thought you were talking about weber:) I glad that things are looking better for you this semester. Yeah for being almost done!

Annika said...

Yay Carly! You are so so so close to being done... you are so lucky, but I know you've worked your little tail off. I'm glad USU is working out better for you!

Ashley said...

Sweet! Things are looking up for the semester!! That is always good news. Good luck!
(Thanks for your nice comment on my last post. You are so nice.)

Mandi said...

I am glad you two are on good terms. $200 for books? That is so not worth it.

Unknown said...

And I hope it stays pleasant.

Jacki said...

I'm glad things are looking much better for you this sememster. Your almost done..YAY!
Good luck. :)

Camilla said...

You definately deserve an awesome semester! And how wonderful to know that you never have to go back! Good luck!

Chelsie said...

i'm so happy for you that you are almost done...and that my aggies are finally coming through!

Trimbles said...

Last semester??? YEAH!!!!!!!!!!! You wont know what to do with yourself when you're done! :)

Trimbles said...

Yes, I know, I still cant think of any boy names. Max and Houston are the newest. And Christopher refuses to buy a book. Of course! :)