Friday, December 21, 2007

Puppy Dog Tails

We had a little Christmas get together with the Rawlinsons and the Baileys. We ate too much food, watched the Aggie game, and they reminised on high school stories. These boys were out of control! Their poor teachers and their poor mothers. It's a wonder they all turned out so well.

Emily, Mark, Kaden, and baby #2 on the way

Phil and Kadee.

I could be entertained watching Kaden play all night. Our house is a circle, so he loves running around it because he can't get lost. He never stops talking. Bless Emily's heart, I'm sure sometimes she wishes he'd stop for just a little bit! We had to be very careful about what we said because he repeated everything he heard!

Kaden loved the Latha dog. We are babysitting for my SIL, Amanda. Latha has allergies and stinks. I couldn't have an inside dog. Even though she's completely potty-trained and very well behaved, she is stinky.

1 comment:

Chelsie said...

OH Carly dear...the poor dog was probably neglected by you! JK. It's good to see Mike's friends that I have heard so much about. Kaden is pretty stinkin cute, I love his curls! How about them Aggies! Woo Woo