Sunday, December 23, 2007

I'm Dreaming of a White Christmas

I haven't slept for the past two days. Latha and Mike snore. Loud. Latha had nightmares the other night, remember Bruno from Cinderella? How the dog is running and dreaming and spazzing out?

Yeah, Latha did that too. She was whining, twitching, running after something, it was quite the dream! I hope she got whatever she was after. Maybe she was dreaming about Amanda and her puppy friends. I think she's lonely.
So while I was awake and listening to Latha's dreaming, I watched Finding Neverland. I looove this movie- it's perfect for Christmas time, too because it's so magical. And who doesn't love a little Johnny Depp?

Mike and I had our Christmas early. We are spending Christmas Eve with my fam and Christmas Day with his, so we exchanged our little Christmas gifts today.
Merry Christmas!! Yeah- it's going to be a white one!

1 comment:

Chelsie said...

Ah you guys look so cute! What did you get each other? I hope you are planning on leaving early tomorrow and then not traveling again until Christmas day, because it's supposed to be a white out..and I worry about you my dear! I feel you on the snoring...Brandon snores, Jack snores, and Cooper cries...I should start watching movies too! I have yet to see Finding Neverland! I'll have to rent it! Is it a chick flick or does Mike like it too? Merry Christmas!