Friday, November 11, 2011


i'm not really superstitious, but i had to take a photo at 11:11 on 11/11/11. what were you doing today at 11:11? i was writing an awards application for work. exciting, i know.

other exciting events lately:

-last night i met my bloggy friend janae for dinner. mike made fun of me for "meeting a girl i met on the internet" and he was maybe a little worried about whether or not i'd come home alive. it was really fun to meet someone that i feel like i already know. i think she's fabulous, and i love that we met through our blogs. blogging is kinda great, isn't it?

-my little sister is in town! this means lots of basketball games this weekend. sporting events can bring out the worst in people. it's especially rough when you have to sit between fans from the opposing team because everyone is trying to out-yell each other. of course I am not the one participating in the yelling...

-how did i get anywhere before the maps app on my phone? if i made a thankful list today, that would be #1.

-i am also wondering how i taught primary 5 years ago without a phone. it is the only thing the 4-year-olds are interested in.

-this week i attended a conference for women in business. mike called it my girl power day. sometimes i'm awkward in settings with women who are super successful and high achievers and out to prove it. i feel so out of place. i was just there for the free food. but i did enjoy the remarks from one of the speakers who challenged those in attendance to be PROactive rather than REactive. when change occurs from the outside in, it creates pressure and we end up just reacting to the circumstance. it's amazing how just changing the way you label something changes the way you perceive it. change vs. stretch. problem vs. challenge. failure vs. opportunity. some of those words have a negative connotation, some have a positive one. he reminded us that strength only occurs after the point of discomfort. i can choose to be uncomfortable with change or i can choose to optimistic about it. i like to consider myself a realist rather than an optimist, but i appreciated the challenge to change how i label certain events and thus change my attitude.


Camilla said...

Love your notes from women in business...I'm not in business but I always appreciate good tips.:)

jess bahr said...

3 words: You. Are. Beautiful.