Tuesday, August 16, 2011

i'm baaaack

hello friends! i've had a nice little blogging break, but i want to feel good about writing on this public space again so i'm going to give it a shot.

several things have made me want to start blogging again. first and foremost, we moved and now this little space will have to be used to keep in touch with those we left in logan. more on that later. and second, i recently read annie dillard's the writing life. i loved so much about this book and it made me miss writing, even if only about my insignificant little day-to-day activities. for now the quote that i keep coming back to is this:

"One of the few things I know about writing is this: spend it all, shoot it, play it, lose it, all, right away, every time. Do not hoard what seems good...The impulse to keep to yourself what you have learned is not only shameful, it is destructive. Anything you do not give freely and abundantly becomes lost to you."

how selfish of me to hoard what seems good in my life!

lots of good things have happened to us in the last six months.

mike had a new job opportunity with the same company he had been working for. it seemed promising and exciting but after a few months of thinking it would happen, it fell through. we learned about forgiveness and prayer and patience and that things really do work out but usually not how we expect.

he soon got a better job opportunity with a better company in a new town. we lived apart during the week because his new job was two hours away. that got old. fast. after doing that for a few months, we started looking for a new place to live together and closer to his new job. we got discouraged as we walked through tiny apartments that would cost us more in rent than what we're paying for our house. we waited, searched some more and found a cute little house for rent. it's old but charming with great rounded doorways and windows and a gazebo, not to mention hardwood floors and counter space! oh, the counter space.

we still haven't sold our house, but we here we are: a family again, learning about our new town, driving roads we've never driven, enjoying this beautiful place (have you seen the back side of timpanogas? or strawberry reservoir? it really is beautiful) and feeling a bit like we're just on vacation. some day it will feel like home. until then, we're just happy to be together.


Lindsey said...

yay, i'm glad you're back! good luck with everything!

Jen Jarrett said...

I am so glad that you are back! I can't wait to go visit Mike's parents so that I can see you!!!! Congrats on the new job and on finding the perfect house! I am so happy for you two! You definitely deserve it!

Erin :) said...

I'm glad you're back!!! And...I love the quote. I think I need to read that book.

Unknown said...

I'm so glad you're back and life is good! That is such a great quote. I think I also need to read that book. I'd love to see pictures of your charming little house, too!

Camilla said...

Carly, I have missed you! I am so happy you're back, your writing always inspire me! I bet you've got your cute little house just perfect!

Annika said...

YIPPEEEEEEEE!!!! i'm soooo glad you're back. it makes the fact that you moved a bit easier to swallow! :) i've been thinking about you. wondering how the house is, if you're settled, and most of all... if you're happy! so glad to hear it's going well. logan misses you. oh, and i do, too!

ps all weekend after the packing, "where is she?" by hallie. about coco. she needs to see her again. :)

ps again. your header=perfection.

Ashley said...

Sooo glad you are back. I am looking forward to reading your posts to come. Good luck with getting settled in your new place!!!

The Kropf Family said...

I missed keeping up with what you were doing. I seem to never pick up the phone and call anyone so I'm glad I can see what you guys are up to through your blog. It sounds like you're getting all settled in. Yay! Let us know if you need anything.

Jacki said...

yay! i'm so glad you are back! i didn't even know until Bethie told me. i hope you are getting settled and we need to make time to get up that way to see the new house and do some shopping in park city.

Megan Passey said...

Hey! I'm glad your back! I've always liked reading your posts!

Anonymous said...

I'm so glad you're back in the blogging world! I miss you, Car! We need to get together once things have settled down for you.

J. said...

I'm glad you're back! That's awesome that Mike got a good job and it sounds like you moved into a super cute house! Am if I'm guessing right, you're closer to me yet. Maybe we'll bump into eachother sometime.
Welcome back to the blogosphere.