Monday, December 20, 2010


i have been very lazy with my camera lately, so i have no photos, but we have continued a few traditions this year...

kurt bestor. i think he's incredibly talented, and he has nice hair. i look forward to this concert every year. i also leave every year saying "next year, i'm going to learn to play the trumpet." maybe this will be the year that i follow through on that declaration.

pickleville playhouse. we've seen several of their shows throughout the year. their shows are so entertaining. definitely gets you in the spirit of christmas, and i'm excited to continue this tradition with our kids someday.

the ogden christmas village. i guess it's worth the drive. the company was definitely worth the drive. we took my grandpa with us this year and he was in awe of just about everything we saw: the colored lights on each branch of the trees, the immaculate little houses filled with christmas scenes, even the sidewalk made of pavers. he kept saying, "betty jane would have loved this."

sub for santa. mike and i always enjoy picking out a few gifts for some local elementary school students. this year the school forgot to write down specific sizes, so we had a fun time trying to guess what size of socks and underwear a 7-year-old needs. we are pretty clueless on stuff like that. and on another sub for santa related note: today i wrote an article for work about a sub for santa project we're doing. i received an email back from someone in an office in georgia who read the article and needed clarification of what that meant because in her mind, "a sub is a sandwich." i guess she thought we were giving santa a sandwich?

and of course there's the usual family parties, talent sharing, movie watching, present wrapping, baking & eating and hustling & bustling about. for the first time ever, i was done with my christmas shopping at the beginning of december so the month has been quite enjoyable and stress free.


Brad and Darci said...

I love traditions and I love that you and mike have started a few of your own! They make this time even more fun and memorable. Hope you have a merry christmas!

Annika said...

ok you guys have way fun traditions. we kinda need help in the region. and good for you for getting all your shopping done! :)

PS i think you should learn to play the trumpet! :)

Camilla said...

What fun traditions! How sweet to do Sub for Santa (a sandwich for Santa?). :) It's a guess for me too to know what size to buy when it comes to undies and socks. They are never just right!