Wednesday, December 8, 2010

do i do it because i like it, or because i haven't been brave?

a few months ago, i was blessed told to have courage.
i thought it was interesting counsel.
honestly, courageous or brave is the last word i'd use to describe myself.
i'm a wuss. a creature of habit. scared to do anything i'm at all uncomfortable with.
courage is faith in action, so is my lack of courage really a lack of faith?
i'm not sure of the answer, but to quote from one of my favorite movies:

"sometimes i wonder about my life.
i lead a small life--
well, valuable,
but small--
and sometimes i wonder,
do i do it because i like it,
or because i haven't been brave?
i don't really want an answer.
i just want to send this cosmic
question out into the void.
so good night,
dear void."


Brad and Darci said...

I am sure that you are more courageous than you think you are! Your post reminds me of a talk that Pres. Monson gave at the 2009 General Young Womens meeting. It was an amazing talk that I look at often because sometimes I really need to be reminded to have more courage!

J. said...

I am also a very "timid" person. I would love to be a professional photographer - but the idea of having to pose people and children, and tell them to do this or do that makes me nervous. I know I could do so much more in the world and with my talents if I just got a little courage and DID IT! But it's easier said than done.
I wish you the best in your quest to find a little more courage in life. :)

Camille said...

That is my go-to is great for any day! I personally think you are incredibly courageous! I know it's hard to look at ourselves in a different way, but I admire your strength and determination to carry on and create and give things to others that you can't use yet yourself. That to me is brave. To keep trying and exhaust every option is a very courageous thing to do. Always remember to fear not and be of good courage and the Lord will help us the rest of the way!

Erin :) said...

First of all...I love the movie reference of choice. I actually ponder those same lines myself sometimes. And secondly, YOU are! You are brave! Bravery isn't standing up in front of a big scary crowd and performing...its something we live everyday of our lives. When we get out of bed in the morning. When we decide to speak the kind word to the person at the grocery store. When you follow a prompting from the Spirit (which I know you do all the time) that's being brave and that makes you brave! :)

Camilla said...

Love You've Got Mail. :)
I would never describe myself as courageous either, but I think there are little things we all do every day that shows we really are brave. I'd say you do have courage.

Diane Denning said...

It is funny that you don't think you are a courageous person, because I sure do! And right after Jane was born, "You've got mail" was on just about every day on the Hallmark channel. Matt laughed at me because I was always watching it and enjoying it like I had never seen it! :)