because coco goes to the bathroom much faster when the ground is covered with it (she doesn't like squatting out in the cold. can you blame her?) and because the dog poop on our grass is buried so she can't roll around in it. for some reason she has an affinity for rolling around in other dogs' business. thank you snow, for covering it up.
and i also delight in snow because it reminds me how great our neighbors are. i came home today to a clean driveway! thanks bryce!
This may be the very first year [no joke] that I am looking forward to the snow. I think it's because I'm needing change from the routine of life it seems. When we had that miniature storm last weekend I was caught driving 30 mph in the Logan Canyon LOVING IT. I felt alive and my adrenaline was running. It was a new type of beautiful as I looked at the snow covered trees. I wanted to run out through the fields yelling at the top of my lungs. I hope the storm that is getting ready to hit, hits hard.
With all that said, I'm glad to be delighting in snow with you!
You (and coco) must really be loving the storm that just stopped by! :) You are so cute Carly. I love your happy thoughts. :)
you inspire me to like snow. and that's a hard thing to do. :)
this post made me chuckle! :) i would delight in snow if we actually got some down here in UT county.
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