Thursday, November 18, 2010

i delight in hope

dr laura got me thinking the other day when she told a caller that hope is just delayed disappointment. i guess this could be true if we hope in certain situations or even certain people, but if we add "in christ" to the end of it, hope is anything but delayed disappointment.

elder faust said, "there are tremendous sources of hope beyond our own ability, learning, strength, and capacity. hope is the anchor of our souls. hope is trust in god's promises, faith that if we act now, the desired blessings will be fulfilled in the future."

god has promised that "whose believeth in [me] might with surety hope for a better world."

i love the promise from god that if we believe in him and his son, we can always hope for something better. wrongs will one day be made right, things will work out, and when we can't believe that or possibly see how, we must put our hope and trust in god. god's promises to us will be fulfilled.


Diane Denning said...

I appreciated this post. We all have to have hope and I was glad to have this as a reminder. I hope things are great with you guys.

Erin :) said...

I love it! Such a great point! I went to a relief society activity this week and the guest lecture said, "Hope is the best thing you can offer someone." Isn't that true! Today, you offered me a new perspective on hope...thanks! :)

Tera said...

Thanks! I needed this.

Unknown said...

I have been reading over some things on your blog and this verse stopped me because I do not recognize it.

"whose believeth in [me] might with surety hope for a better world."

You say that it is God who says this, but from a biblical stand point it contradicts all that God ever talks about. So I'm confused?

wyseur said...

ever heard this quote: 'ignorance is bliss'?

yes, you are guilty...