Thursday, October 28, 2010

i've been wanting to tell you about...

the fascinating and mind-blowing movie, social network.

mike's birthday, which was celebrated with dozens of homemade donuts and dear friends who helped us eat them.

our 4th anniversary.

the debate i'm having about painting my kitchen cabinets white. any of you with white cabinets have an opinion?

my new globe collection.

the ideas brewing in my mind for updated family photos and the best christmas card ever.

the yummy fall treats i've been baking and the naughty dog who discovered she loves pumpkin as much as i do.

the fun evening erin and i had at the ingrid michaelson concert, complete with cafe zupas, a crazy snow storm, and fabulous music. while i wish we saw each other more often, i love that erin and i can go months without seeing each other and still pick up right where we left off.

there's plenty to write about, but apparently i have little to say.


Kim said...

We have been stripping and painting our cabinets for about 2 months now :) If you are going to do it, just know it is MESSY (the stripping part). I love the look though. Ours are a bit off white, you are welcome to come see them :)

Camilla said...

I want to hear more about it all! You are so cute and creative. (I still need to see your house!!!) I love white cupboards! And I'm dying to see the best Christmas card ever! :)

Anonymous said...

white cabinets. i love the clean look. when they are clean. not clean, you can see every fingerprint. yuck. but i still love them.

Ashley said...

Okay- you so have to do white cabinets! (I wish mine were white) If you don't want to paint or want to see what you think about it first, you could try this girls method:
I'm sure whatever you do it will look great. You are queen in the talent/creative department.

The Nate and Sara Project said...

all you have done is intrigue me. I want details on each and every one of those points.

Jen Jarrett said...

Ahhhhh! It sounds like you have been keeping busy with so much fun stuff! What a fabulous fall.

Erin :) said...

It was SO good to see you this week! Ingrid was amazing!!! AND I'm so glad you made it home safely in the snow, that was crazy! I'll e-mail you the pictures when I put them on my computer! :)

AND, I'm really excited to see your creativity manifest its self in the form of your Christmas card! :)

Annika said...

I want to hear all about everything! Let's go to lunch! :)

Julie said...

My next house is going to have white cabinets. Love them.