Saturday, March 13, 2010

the "coughs" go to salt lake

please excuse my lame title. but i just realized that my last name sounds a lot like cough. i guess two weeks of dayquil, robitussin, and cough drops will do that to you. but i can't help but wonder...if my last name were spelled krough, would people have an easier time spelling and saying it?

anyway. i gave mike tickets on his birthday way back in october to see brian regan this weekend. we had been looking forward to it for months, and were planning to go to park city and spend a couple days with bethie and jacki after the show. however, mike got sick last thursday and i got sick on sunday and we have both been miserably sick. coughing nonstop. no voice. terrible headaches. but we couldn't cancel our tickets or hotel reservations so we went anyway. we had a great time. brian regan is hilarious. i coughed through the whole show because i couldn't stop laughing. they say laughter is the best medicine, and it was :)

this is one of my favorite bits of his.


bethie said...

I am sorry you got sick to. Hopefully next you come down this way will be soon. But I know it isn't often Mike has a weekend off.

Jacki said...

i was sad that you and mike weren't able to come visit us, but there will always be other times.
i'm glad you were able to at least make it to see brian regan.

ha! why do people have such a hard time saying "kropf"!? its funny cause bethie has the same problem. no matter how many times you sound it out or pronounce it, they still get it wrong. dumb people! :)

Annika said...

Oh dang. I hate when sickness gets in the way of fun plans. I actually caught a cold that same day...but all it got me out of was church, so it wasn't THAT bad! hehe :) But I'm glad you at least still had some fun.

Brad and Darci said...

I hope you guys are feeling better. It sounds like you still enjoyed your night. Brad would have loved to have gone to Brian Reagan- he is really funny!

Camilla said...

How fun! We'll have to go see him someday. How fun to go to the big city. :)

The Kropf Family said...

I was so glad when I saw that you had a blog. Just to comment on the spelling of our last name, I think people always think it is Croft or Kroph. They are always baffled when I spell it out for them. We should have kept our maiden names and made our husbands switch to them. It would have been much easier:) Anyway,hope you are feeling better.

Chelsie said...

haha, oh i love brian regan...i love the free snow cone/baseball skit...ha, good clean humor, love it. hope you're feeling better