Thursday, March 25, 2010

coco needs a friend

i think my dog needs a new friend.
like a bulldog.
or a beagle.
or a baby.
just sayin'.

ETA: NOT an announcement. but i think #3 is a great choice.


Brad and Darci said...

Um is this an announcement? If it is I am so super excited for you. If not then I think its a great idea as well :)

Erin :) said...

theres a big difference between a baby and a puppy...which will it be?

if I had to choose from the pictures alone...i would choose the bulldog...i normally would NEVER choose the bulldog but that is the MOST adorable bulldog i've ever seen!

just sayin'


Tera said...

I think a baby is a great idea. But then again, I always a baby is a great idea. That's why we're having number four.

Chelsie said...

ah we almost got another dog too but decided on a cooper instead. :-) however those dogs are flippin cute

Annika said...

Um... how about all of the above? I've always admired your animal loving ways. Remember when you used to feed stray cats even though you were allergic and your parents would tell you not to??? You're a good person. :) I think a baby would be the best.

The Nate and Sara Project said...

I'm a big fan of babies, myself, but I do really love that bulldog...

MoRgAn! said...

I don't know that bull dog is pretty cute...probably doesn't cry and probably would sleep through the night and is probably a lot cheaper than #3.....however I still believe #3 is the best option for a friend;-D

Camilla said...

I've always wanted a bulldog (before I realized that I would have to clean up after them)! I love that baby...yes, you definitely need one. :)

Shannon said...

Ha you are so funny! That is a hard one, just don't get both- that would be some serious work!! That bulldog is adorable though:) I want you to have choice #3 though...

McKell said...

you should probably get another dog! bull dogs are the cutest!! we just got our dog (Franky) another pug puppy (Pearl) :) if you want to see her, i just posted pics on my blog. a baby would be fun too!!

Annie said...

I have been making baby quilts. I would love to make one for you!

Anonymous said...

Oh Carly. I think that bulldog is about the cutest thing I have ever seen. I'll be praying for your #3 though. :)