Monday, January 11, 2010

a week of firsts

*mike's first day of his last semester of school. yipee!

*for the first time in months, and perhaps years, we stayed awake for a whole movie. usually we start it one night and finish it the next because we fall asleep, but we made it all the way through the proposal in one. night.

*i got a new calling as the first counselor in relief society! i put an exclamation point cause it's kind of funny. i have no clue what i'm doing. it will definitely be a learning experience, and i feel completely inadequate, but when i was set apart i felt that there is a reason i have this calling.

*i had my first go at making homemade gravy. it turned out pretty okay! at least it wasn't bland, which has always been my fear with making my own gravy. i get nervous with the salt & pepper, afraid that i will add too much. i used the pioneer woman's recipe which also involved chicken fried steak. it was gross. really gross. i think the cube steak was old or something because it was really chewy.

*my little brother is living in logan for his first semester of college. drew has been a welcome houseguest, though feeding two boys proves much more expensive than feeing one. coco LOVES when drew comes over. she paces between the front and back door all night just waiting for him to walk in.

*i took coco running for the first time this winter. it was a red air day in logan, but it was so nice to get out and run. a really weird thing happened while i was running, though. i felt like i was in the middle of a scene from 24. a few blocks ahead of me, this cop had parked across the street from an old beater car. 4 teenagers were standing around the car, and as the cop is walking towards them, one of the kids pulls a gun on the cop. the cop put his hands in the air and started walking back towards his car. i look up and realize i'm running towards a kid standing in the middle of the street holding a cop at gunpoint. all sorts of things start going through my mind. this kid is going to hold me hostage! i'm really tired and i won't be able to run fast enough to get away from him! he's going to grab me and tell me to control my dog but she will be too excited to sit still! then i realized i should probably call 911 or something so another cop can come help the situation. i wasn't very close to any houses, so i turned the other way and kept running to find a house where i could knock on the door (note to self: run with your cell phone from now on). when i turned back around, the cop was inside of his car and the kid wasn't holding his gun out anymore, so i figured the situation was under control, and i just kept running home. it was crazy.

and it's only monday! it's going to be a good week.


Jacki said...

ha, that is funny that coco paces in between the front and back door just waiting for drews arrival. That is insanely crazy about the cop being held at gunpoint but I'm glad the situation turned out ok.
Heres to another fun filled week! :)

Annika said...

Oh wow! That has to be the most exciting (ok, not exciting, but eventful) thing that's ever happened in Logan... and you witnessed it! I'm jealous you have a sibling in Logan. I've been trying to convince anyone in my family to join me here. no takers. Congrats on being called to the relief society presidency! That is awesome... they will be lucky to have you!

Shannon said...

Yes that is an exciting start of the week! My goodness. That is fun that Drew is in Logan, I bet he loves your good cooking:) And I am not at all surprised at your new calling... you will do fabulous!

Ben and Amanda said...

I can't say that I envy your running experience. Nothing exciting ever happens while I'm running, but maybe I like it that way now.
And good luck with your new calling. That is a big job, but you'll do well.

Camilla said...

Wow, you have an exciting life! That is so exciting to only have one more semester! And seriously, you will be so awesome at your new calling! You'd better get some pepper spray for when you run. You live in the big city now. :)

Christa said...

I am so glad you are ok! That would be so scary to see a kid hold a gun up period- let alone to someone else! You will do amazing at your new calling- I'm excited for you!

Chelsie said...

ah that would have freaked me out too! ah feeding two grown boys, i'm sure that is pretty expensive...i should probably start saving now

jess bahr said...

Wow, That is the CRAZIEST story ever! Did you ever hear what happened???
Oh, congrats on your new calling, I know you will do awesome, because you are just an awesome person!

Trina said...

I have never had such an exciting experience while running. I just always fear that drivers are not being very careful and that they're going to hit me. You know, since we have no sidewalks in Ithaca, and all.

My new calling is proving to be time consuming and challenging. I was released from the Young Woman's presidency. Got to attend Relief Society for 1 month, then I got put in Primary as a primary teacher. The challenging part come when I try to plan a lesson that can entertain the 5 years olds and not bore the 7 year olds. Especially certain 5 year olds, who can't sit still and face the front. I'm also in charge of the 10 and 11 year old Activity Days girls who meet every other week, on Wed. for activities. Oh, and I'm on the Enrichment Committee. Hopefully I'll be able to find the help to cover for these callings when I have my baby in just under 2 months.
I'm still waiting to be set apart and hope that I'll have a little more peace with my callings when I am.