Tuesday, December 15, 2009

december daily 8-14

december 8: i love putting wrapped presents under the tree. it's like putting away folded laundry. the hard part is over :)
december 9: after a great meeting in ogden, i spent some time christmas shopping with my mom. i swear every year that i'm going to be done with my shopping before december, but i never am. oh well, i guess the hustle and bustle is part of the christmas spirit, right? my mom and i had a fun afternoon and shopped our little hearts out.

on my drive home through sardine canyon, i had a sudden and very distinct thought that i should slow down and watch for deer. i've driven the canyon hundreds of times and have only seen dead deer or deer off in the distance, so it was weird to me that i would suddenly think about seeing deer in the road. thankfully, i slowed down, and sure enough, as i turned the corner a herd of 10+ deer were standing in both lanes of traffic. had i not been going slower, i wouldn't have been able to stop in time and i wouldn't have just hit 1 deer, i would have hit 4 or 5. i am so thankful for the little 'tender mercies' that remind me someone is watching out for me!

december 10
: today...

tastes like
*hot chocolate
*fresh honey

feels like
*hot flashes & crying

sounds like
*coco is sliding across the linoleum floor
*the tv & radio are going at the same time

looks like
*it's 40 degrees outside, but it's actually 10
*i must go grocery shopping
*a top secret christmas gift
december 11: another 'tender mercy' as i was driving home from yet another day spent in ogden (no shopping this time though. sad.)...my mom bought me the new hilary weeks christmas cd, christmas once again. i have always loved hilary weeks' music, and this cd is no exception. it really is beautiful. my favorite song adds a couple verses to "silent night." as i heard this song, i felt an overwhelming sense of peace and reassurance that someday, i will be humming this same lullaby to my own baby.

on this silent, holy night
as i hold this precious child
there are no words for this moment.
heaven and earth
meet in my arms, tonight
he is mine, and yet, he is God's.
sleep now, sleep my son
sleep in peace.

december 12: merry early christmas...a front loading washer & dryer! our house no longer rattles when we turn on the washer. it's so quiet that i wonder if it's actually working.

december 13: we braved the awful weather so that i could play the piano in my parents' ward for our neighbors' mission homecoming. (sidenote: i got so nervous that i picked my nails/cuticles the whole time and now they are a bloody, raw mess which is problematic because i have to play again this sunday. there's nothing left to pick or pull!) sometimes i really miss my old ward. such great people and leadership. we also got to visit mark + annika and meet their new baby, hallie. oh my, she is perfect, and we are so happy for them!

.december 14: got to play with my niece and nephew tonight. holly was my little shadow and helped me with the pins on the above-mentioned top secret project.


Ashley said...

Loved the post. Super jealous of your quiet early Christmas presents (I am listening to my ksl.com specials rattle as I type). Your tender mercies tugged at my heart. Thanks for sharing. You are awesome Carly.

Shannon said...

I love this post. Reading this makes me glad that I know you. You are such a sweet girl! I too am totally jealous of your washer and dryer! Beautiful. Little Hallie is precious, huh?!

Jacki said...

carly..i seriously love reading your posts. You are awesome!
Love the new washer and dryer and am totally jealous! Holly and Taylor are growing up way too fast.

Trimbles said...

I just want you to know that I love you both! I love your washer and dryer (I hug mine daily) and Im sorry about the hot flashes but Im glad your day smells like hot chocolate :) HAHA. SO JEALOUS that CT gets to go to the christmas party on Sunday... REALLY wish we could have gone with him. (WAH).

Chelsie said...

ah finishing wrapping is a good feeling...however this year they had to be hidden...it was constant temptation to cooper, that he eventually gave into while i filled up the bath one morning. :-) i'm jealous of your front loader! one of these trips to ogden we need to get together i miss you!