i finished the book on wednesday and haven't stopped thinking about it since. it took me a while to figure out what was going on with the whole time travel thing, but it was worth plowing through. it's the kind of book that makes you hate it has to end, that makes you cry with the characters, that makes you think how you would react in their shoes, and whether you'd really like to know the future. the book reminded me what a sacred relationship marriage can be, and after i finished, i felt zeal and excitement to live life as it is right now instead of always wondering or worrying about what's next.
sadly, the movie lacked character development, and i was really hoping they would show some of the art clare created. rachel mcadams is adorable and perfect as clare. eric bana, however, should probably stick to providing his voice only for movies because he can't act. i was disappointed. read the book instead. it's wonderful.
Oh you should have called me! That movie was just heartbreaking! I left the theater the same way... except with a husband who said "don't worry, I know you were crying."... Um. thanks for the comforting words? he's never quite sure what to do when I cry. Yes, it's probably a good thing you left Mike home!
I will have to pick up the book and read it! Yes, I saw the movie too and loved it. I LOVE Rachel McAdams!! :) So is the book better than the movie? I imagine that it is!
I, too, noticed the lack of character development, but the movie was done beautifully nonetheless.
And no there's nothing wrong with going to see a movie by yourself! I do it all the time!! :)
no, it is NOT sad that you went by yourself because i did the same thing 2 days ago!! and the sad thing about ME is that it was like my 5th movie seen by myself in the last 3 months. haven't read the book...but did like the movie, so maybe i'll read it!
It is not a bad thing to go to a movie by yourself.
I am really excited to read the book, but I think I will wait until the movie is on DVD to see it.
i saw the movie but didn't have a desire to read the book - i might just change that now! thanks for the advice. great post!
Loved the book. The movie... not as much. I read it a couple years ago. Anyway, Eric Bana is the worst. I was disappointed.
I wanted to read to book until I saw the movie, but now that I can see that so many people like the book I may have to read it after all.
agreed, the movie wasn't nearly as good as the book...i'm glad you got into the book then! yeah!! i'm reading a book right now i think you would like...but you've probably already read it. i love that you went to the theater by yourself...i really want to see julie and julia...but my husband doesn't seem to keen on the idea...so maybe i'll do that as well
I have been dying to see this! I do need to read the book first though. And I'm planning on going alone...it's just better that way.:)
I go to movies by myself all the time. And out to eat! I have a little date night with myself :) So, no, it's not sad my dear.
CRAP! I forgot I was using my parents computer and they were signed in under their account. RUSSELL is Taylee! HAHA!
What a shame the movie was rubbish - I absolutely loved that book. One of my all time favourites. And no, it's not sad going on your own at all... if you're going to sit in silence in the dark for a few hours enthralled by a movie why do you need company?
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