Monday, September 8, 2008

Tim and Carrie's Wedding

Mike's little brother, Tim, and his girlfriend Carrie, got married on Friday at Von's Park. There has been plenty of family drama in getting ready for this wedding, but I think it turned out really well. The ceremony was nice. The bishop counseled them that in a marriage there is no such thing as giving 50%. You have to give 100% all of the time. So true.

The happy family-

Abbi and Bethie-

The reception was also at the park and it was freezing! I think summer is gone.

Since Mike smiled normal for one picture, he decided we needed to take a cheesy picture. The torch was the perfect setting for a picture about how our love is like a flame, or something...

Last, but not least, thanks to the boys who moved this beauty on Saturday-
I have been going through withdrawals without a piano for the past 2 years and can't wait to have one now! It's old and a little beat up, but it will be perfect. I've already got a few piano students, so it's looking to be a good investment.


Brad and Darci said...

How fun for you to have a piano! It looks great and I bet you are so excited! Good luck with you teaching and I am glad that you all enjoyed the wedding- they can be so stressful:)

Jacki said...

The wedding turned out nice I thought too. The park was really pretty, but cold..brr! You got some really good pictures, I might need to steal some because I didn't get hardly any. Thanks for spending a little time with us, it was great to see you and Mike and Coco. :) I bet you cannot wait to start teaching and playing your piano. How fun for you!

Chelsie said...

will you give me piano lessons!? or cooper when he is older...someone in my family needs to learn to play waterfall by john schmidt....

Ashley said...

Okay, their baby is BEAUTIFUL! Yay for pianos! Talent like yours can't go to waste.

Anonymous said...

I can so picture mike saying that, that picture is too funny. Abbi is super cute :) (you knew i would say that!) looks like a partay. Thanks for putting any pictures of our party on there. appreciate it.

Mandi said...

What a beautiful bride! I always loved having new brothers and sister-in-laws. I love the new piano. I am very jealous, but that is nice that you will be able to teach.

Camilla said...

What a fun wedding! Weddings are always so fun...especially when it's family. I'm so excited for you-I was without a piano for a long time and pretty much lost any sort of skill. But I'm working on it!

Trimbles said...

YEAH! A PIANO!!! I know, I miss mine too. Its just sitting at my moms waiting for me. The minute we get a bigger place that isnt on the 3rd floor then I get it shipped out here... PS... Hi Mike.

Annika said...

Hey Carly I'm excited for you and your piano! I'm sad I missed you guys the other day! I really want to meet your new little guy. We need to do something ASAP! What are your plans this weekend??