Monday, August 18, 2008

the weekend: a recap

-I'm seriously so blessed. For the first time in my life, I won something! It was a gift card from TAMN to the Sonora Grill. We went with my parents. I had Carne Asada tacos, Mike had some chicken thing that I can't pronounce. It was delish and we had great company.-My new favorite thing to cook: waffle cookies. I especially hate cooking in the summer because when I turn on the oven, it honestly adds an extra 20 degrees to our already heated home. You don't have to use the oven for waffle cookies. And they are so yummy.
-I liked the lighting in this shot and was thinking I could boost it a little in photoshop. But my photoshop is broken. Sad. I still like the lighting though.
This little girl wasn't intended to be an inside dog, but she hates her outside kennel. She whines and yelps the whole time she's in it. So for at least a couple more months, she'll be sleeping in her kennel inside. She thinks she owns the whole house. Her favorite places to sleep are under the bed and in the pile of laundry.
PS- I finally finished Breaking Dawn. Umm.... Renesmee? Nessie for short? Seriously?? I can't think of anything I liked about the book. It was everything I wasn't expecting and I hated it. I think the reason I liked Twilight in the first place is because Meyer wrote it so that it seemed believable. It seemed like something that could happen. I think she threw any believability out the window in the final book. The characters weren't consistent with how they acted in the other books. And she needs a good editor- 800 pages is way too long for the story she was telling. Half of it could have been cut out. I'm glad it's over and I might have to re-read Twilight to remind myself why I liked the series in the first place.


Julie said...

I would be "seriously so blessed" if you would send me the waffle cookie recipe or post it on your blog. (My e-mail is Thanks!!!

Jayson and Kassi Madson said...

ugh i hate cooking in the summer too! will you send me the recipe as well?
ps your puppy is soo cute!

Brad and Darci said...

I cannot bring myself to read breaking dawn because I was so disappointed with eclipse. I am glad I am not the only one that isn't completely in love and obsessed with the series:) I am glad you enjoyed the sonora though-yummy food!
P.S. can I get that recipe too?

Chelsie said...

it sounds like it would just be easier to post that recipe on your blog my dear! what did you think of sonora grill? i thought it was pretty good, but i didn't realize how much more higher class it was going to be. ah your little puppy sleeping in funny places....just let him be an inside dog car come on

Carly said...

I will share my blessings and post the recipe, ladies :)

Chels- you've seen how small my house is. In two months our puppy is going to be so big that our little house can't hold her anymore! and I liked Sonora Grill, but the food was very pricey.

Steph said...

I am so jealous of your cute dog! And I've heard a lot of people didn't like Breaking Dawn and I actually heard something in it that ruined it for me. (I've only read the first two.) So I'm not really in a hurry to read the last two. Thanks for the heads up! ;) P.s. I didn't really like Sonora Grill, I got the lime coconut chicken and first of all it wasn't wonderful, and then they gave me 2 ginormous pieces, I couldn't even finish the first piece. They need to have smaller portions, it could have easily filled 3 people.

Shannon said...

I totally felt the same way about Breaking Dawn! I was so frustrated, and hated the name she names that baby, or what ever it was. It was so unbelievable-She mabey should have stopped with Eclipse!I still heart Edward though, and love the first 3.

Our Little Norman Life! said...

Oh my gosh i so hate cooking in the summer too!! Its miserable cuz you're so hot already, to slave over a stove is just absolute torture!! Now in the winter i love to cook.. i love trying new recipes in the winter! Now as for this book twilight.. i'm seriously going to have to go get it because i've heard nothing but good things about it from anyone who has read it. Your puppy is adorable. I love love love her! (or is it a him?). Anyways, thanks about the room compliments!! I loved puttin them together and brett has slept in his big boy bed so good. I'm seriously so blessed to have such a great first child! He's been so easy on us. He never cried as a baby and every little mile stone he's been so good with! I can't wait for adalyn to be here and be able to dress her up! :)

Camilla said...

you should post the recipe for waffle cookies-they look so yummy! I didn't know what to think about Breaking Dawn either. i loved reading it, but my expectations were higher too. Oh well, at least i can escape to a vampire world some of the time!

Erika said...

I definitly agree about the book! It took me awhile to actually like it, but it wasn't what I was expecting at all and it was really unbelievable. I'm glad someone agrees with me! It just wasn't in the same league as the first ones. And I absolutely love your puppy! I'm jealous that you have one!