Thursday, August 21, 2008

sick of tags yet? cause i have another one. i can't figure out why you can click on some pictures to make them bigger, but it doesn't work with other pictures. any of my smart friends know how to fix that?

i decided to answer jacki's tag in picture form and with only one response to each question instead of four. i used this website to make the mosaic. then i typed in my answers to each question in the search bar on and picked my favorite image from the first page that came up.

Person I love- Mike
Place I visit over and over- Lately it's been Home Depot
Person I text/email regularly-Kennedy
Favorite Food- Pasta
Place I’d rather be- Italy
Something I’d rather be doing-Playing with Coco
Movie I watch over and over- You’ve got mail
TV show I watch over and over-Friday Night Lights
Singer I love- Ingrid Michaelson
Song I love- The World Spins Madly On by The Weepies


Chelsie said...

i love that you have mike from monsters inc on there...that's awesome! i hope someone knows the answer to that, because i too wonder that often...

Camille said...

I love all your tags! How fun to do all the pictures, too! I tagged you, so you have another one to post, check out my blog for the details.