Wednesday, June 18, 2008

My Last Name

I'm not going to lie, changing my last name from Allen to Kropf was a little weird. I waited at the social security building for 3 hours and was thinking the whole time that changing my name better be worth it (it is, of course! and i'm not exaggerating- i was at the social security building for 3 hours). Allen had its benefits. I was first in line for lunch at school. I sat in the front of class which I enjoyed. No one ever said my last name wrong. Allen is easy to say and easier to spell.

My favorite misspellings of my last name are:


Trying to spell my name over the phone is the worst. Example: today someone called and asked for my full name.
I say, "Carly K-R-O-P-F as in frank."
Long pause and silence. . ."How do you say that?"
"It sounds like Krof, the p is silent."
Long pause and more silence. .. "Oooh...Krops?"
It's always the F at the end that throws people off. For some reason Krops seems like a more normal last name that Kropf. So I just say yeah, that's it. It's much more difficult for people to grasp the name of Kropf than I expected!

My little brother Drew has come up with some sweet nicknames, though... (methamketamine, princess paige, kitty kitty sue, gray rare hair gare bear are his fav's for the family) In his letters to me he always adds something to my last name, like:

the kropf-idile hunters
oops i kropf-ed my pants
i'll kick your kropf
the kropfinators

But whatever you add to the end, or however you spell it or say it, I'm happy to be Mrs. Kropf, or Croft, or Krops...


Unknown said...

This is the one thing I am having anxiety about. I am Taylee Case! You want me to change what? My last name? Uhh...

Taylee Pratt? I dunno. I'm sure it will be great. I'm not going to lie scares me.

Annika said...

Hey Car I made a blog because guess what? I'M MARRIED!!! And this is what married people do... right? Anyway, I loved this post, I haven't even changed my name yet. Im definately putting it off as long as possible! We need to do something ASAP!
PS I Loved the post from the wedding (especially the part with my winnie the pooh and your levi outfit!) How nerdy were we?! but good times were had by all!

Ashley said...

I love this post. I would feel bad for you, but you didn't grow up with the last name Grose or Gross or Grossie... :-) I rather enjoyed the switch to Mason. Easy to say, easy to spell, no laughs, etc.

Jacki said...

HAHA Carly! Bethie is ALWAYS complaining that no one can spell her last name. Think about is hard to spell if you don't know that the F is silent. So I totally feel for you. Love this post, it made me laugh! :)

Chelsie said...

Ha, whenever I say your name brandon is first to correct me saying it in the german way...lawsy...the things that drew adds made me laugh so hard...oh that boy makes me giggle...i feel you on the last name though...however i went from one bad last name to another...overman was always oderman oberman ogerman on the phone underwoman ovaries to others... now it's just hard for people to say....then they look up and are surprised I'm not chinese...haha. hey anytime is good to get together this summer...we are going to lake powell in august but other than that i don't think we have anything planned...when works for you guys and meg and matt

Mandi said...

I love it! People usually pronounce my last name right, but I always have to spell it out. That's so funny to think you aren't just Carly Allen anymore, but your cute little personality is still the same!

Brad and Darci said...
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Brad and Darci said...

Hey Car-
So my last name isn't hard to say but i really just don't like it and in fact i just barely went to the social security office to change it and I have been married for a year and a half. I was seriously contemplating keeping Whitmer, but Brad just wasn't into it- oh well. So I definitely understand where you are coming from- you make me laugh!!!

Jayson and Kassi Madson said...

names are a pain! but I was happy to change my name from 'Quayle' to Madson. a little easier for everyone all around. I am glad you posted this, because now I know how to say your new last name! :)