Thursday, June 5, 2008

a letter

Dear Visiting Teacher,

It was really nice to meet you and your two energetic boys. Just a thought- leave them home next time? Or if you can't leave them home, a phone call will surely count as visiting teaching for the month. When you left, I had to wipe down the walls from the mark left when your son threw his shoe at my wall. I had to clean the bathroom and wash my rug because your little one 7-year-old peed all over everything, even though you were in the bathroom helping him. My blinds are now bent after he repeatedly pulled them up and down, up and down, and they would probably be broken if I hadn't kindly asked him to stop as you sat and watched him and remarked to him "you are officially driving me nuts." And no, it's not okay if your boys run all through my house with muddy shoes on. May I also suggest that wrestling with your 5-year-old son, especially in a complete stranger's home, is not the most effective way to discipline him, shown by the fact that he ran out of my house and into the street as soon as you took him out of your leg-lock. But thanks for the lesson on. . . birth control?? I felt spiritually uplifted. I'm certainly grateful I don't have children yet and I've made a few notes on what not to do if ever my kids act that way.

a girl who loves children but has little patience for bad parents who already have 4 little terrors kids and another on the way


Unknown said...


Chelsie said...

oh my dear! that is hilarious...not for you....but as an outsider....7 year old peeing all that what i have to look forward to? I regret to inform that I have taken coop with me once v.t....but he's only one...and he just stays right by let me justify myself right? :=)

Erin :) said...

oh my goodness...i don't even know what to say...that is so sad. some peoples children.

and yes we are definitely on for next week! what day works best? any day but friday would work for me! i'll call you sunday or monday! :)

Camilla said...

I totally know what you're talking about! Don't worry though, not all kids are like that, and if they are, you can pretty much tell why they are that way by watching the parents deal with them. It's more work to teach your kids, but at least you can go out in public (or to someone's house)!