Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Island Park and Jackson Hole

*disclaimer: a long post filled with blurry pictures taken by a wannabe photographer and photshop expert*

We spent Memorial Day Weekend in Island Park with my family. It was a relaxing weekend, as trips to the cabin always are. It was rainy and cold but everything was beautiful and green.

Our view from the cabin-

Kennedy and Paige-

Kennedy, Paige, and I. I love my sisters!

Ashley (my cute cousin) and Kennedy

Ash, Kennedy, and I

Playing Mexican Train-

We drove through Yellowstone and saw plenty of buffalo and elk. (Camille, you would have been freaking out! There were buffalo walking on all sides of our car.) Even though buffalo are very ugly animals, they make very cute babies-

Mike and I left the cabin and spent a couple days together in Jackson Hole. I've been to Island Park about a thousand times but I've never been to Jackson. The town reminds me of Sun Valley. It's a cute little town full of weird people who don't know what to do with all their money. I ate the best pastry of my life at The Bunnery. Highly recommend eating there if you're ever in Jackson.

The traditional picture under the elk antler archway-

We had to take this picture for Drew- this guy is wearning a kilt!

The Tetons were buried in the clouds so we couldn't see much of the mountains but we did drive through Grand Teton National Park and see some awesome wildlife. I really wanted to see two animals- a moose and a bear. Mike was a fabulous tour guide and knew where to take me so that we could see both.

If you look closely, you can tell this is a bear-


Chelsie said...

How fun!! I haven't been to Jackson since I was little! That picture under the antler archway is pretty cool! You guys and your mexican train...love it. I haven't gotten too far into pride and prejiduce....I've given into temptation and started watching the hills online....i know pathetic right...

Shannon said...

It looks like you had a fun weekend! Long weekends are the best! We went to Jackson Hole last summer with some friends and it was so much fun, there is so much to do! I hadn't been there in such a long time. You are right, there are alot of strange people there!

Ann told me you guys will all be in the same ward. That is the craziest thing! That will be so great!!

Unknown said...

Kennedy and Paige! HOLY CRAP! They are all grown up! Wow. Where does the time go?

We love Jackson Hole! I'm jealous. Looks like you guys had mucho fun!

Ashley said...

I love your pictures, especially the one of the moose. It really looks like a painting!

Ashley T. said...

I can't believe you got to see a bear! We looked all day (ok like 4 hours) the day before when i was with you and we didn't get to see one! hahaha. I am glad you enjoyed the rest of your trip. Have you done any handstands lately?

Camilla said...

I love the pictures of you with your sisters-I can't believe how fast time has gone! You are all so cute and it looks like you have a blast together!

Erin :) said...

Ah! How fun! I can't believe you've never been to Jackson. Our cabin had 4 feet of snow so my grandparents haven't even opened it up yet! Sad day! I'm glad you had a good time though!!! :)

Jayson and Kassi Madson said...

way fun! I love Island Park, my family has a cabin there too! Its my favorite. I still haven't been to Jackson since I was super little though, so when we go we will surely try out that place, yum! Cute pictures!

Parkers said...

That looks like so much fun!

Camille said...

I'm so glad you FINALLY made it to Jackson Hole! I still can't believe with your cabin you've never been there! It sounds like you had fun and you're right...I totally would've been freaking out!!! I hate those buffalo!

Mandi said...

That looks like so much fun! I can't believe how tall Kennedy is and it seems like the last time I saw Paige, she was a little toddler. Where does the time go?

Julie said...

I personally thing you take great photos. Your cabin has a great view! I noticed a piano in one of the shots. If I ever have a cabin it is a must to have a piano. Then, with no distractions, I could just play and play. I'm glad you enjoyed Jackson. I've only been there a couple of times.