Wednesday, May 21, 2008


I finally finished The Host. I'm still kind of undecided about it. I didn't get into the book until page 300 but I did enjoy the last half quite a bit. Stephanie Meyer is a good writer and I liked the idea behind the book, but parts of it seemed inconsistent and confusing. If any of you have read it, I'd love to hear what you think. Mike and I have kind of been reading nerds lately. It seems that every night we come home to our books and don't even talk to each other until we're going to bed. Mike has read the first 2 Harry Potter books in the last week. Sadly he starts school soon so he won't be able to finish them all this summer. I had to beg Mike to take this picture with me. He hates getting his picture taken. Instead of smiling normal, he makes some weird shape with his lips. Then I get frustrated and plead with him to just smile, puh-lease, so he gives me a major cheese picture.


Shannon said...

So Cute, I love the pictures! Dusty does the same thing. I am so excited to read the Host. I need to go pick it up. We can chat about it after! Thanks for the sweet comment. We did have some good times, I think we had very good imaginations! See you soon~

Jacki said...

I'm only on chapter 3 of The Host and am confused already. I think you and Becky feel the same because she was undecided too. She didn't really know what to think. Cute pictures by the way!

Unknown said...

I'm jealous. I wish I had time to read! It's been months since I have read anything besides school books. Ugh.

The pictures are great! Don't worry Paul hates his picture taken too. I have to repeatedly tell him "GET USE TO IT MR!"

Ashley said...

That is so funny Carly! I swear all guys don't know how to just smile normal in pictures.

Camille said...

I bought The Host the day it came out and still haven't started it. I'm not sure about the story-line and the size is kind-of overwhelming when you're not sure! Plus I LoVeD Twilight and don't want to be disappointed...maybe I'll start it tonight!! P.S. I love cheesy husband pics...that's all I ever get, too!!!

Jayson and Kassi Madson said...
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Jayson and Kassi Madson said...

So I went blog hopping and found yours!!....Carly...carly allen?? is that you? from back in the day in good ol BC? Kassi Quayle (now Madson) here...Let me know! my blog is

Chelsie said...

I just finished this book this morning...and I too am torn.. I liked it...but it took me a long time to get into it...definitly not as much of a page turner as twilight...I'm a sucker for the romance though...and it didn't have as much as I would have liked....maybe I set my standards too high with her though...hmm maybe I'll text youso we can discuss

Camilla said...

I can't wait to read it! How fun to have read-a-thons together! I also love the pictures-I'm glad I'm not the only one who's husband just has to make wierd faces! Our great grandkids are going to think Tyson is retarded from the pictures!