Wednesday, April 30, 2008

i {heart} movies

Another tag but this is one is a little different. And it's probably my longest post ever so beware.
movies i have to be in the mood for to enjoy
(moulin rouge & serendipity)

movies that make me laugh out loud no matter how many times i've seen them
(Napolean Dynamite & How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days)

guilty pleasure movies
(re-runs of the OC & the holiday)

movies i have watched enough times to recite all the lines
(elf & return to me)

movies that opened my eyes
(hotel rwanda & the pursuit of happyness)

most overrated movies
{hitch (i didn't like anything about this movie and it was painfully awkward to watch it with my grandparents.) & the ten commandments. ( i suppose in its day this movie was something to write home about. but one summer i babysat two little kids and all they wanted to watch was this movie and i think it's overrated.)}

last 2 movies i watched
{leatherheads (mmm George Clooney, but not a great movie) & catch me if you can}

all time favorite movies
(one fine day & finding neverland)

The End. Your turn :)


Chelsie said...

I love how to lose a guy in 10 days...whenver the snow would put our dish was a gauruntee I was watching either that or mean did you like catch me if you's kind of a dirty show eh?!

One Klassy Chick said...

Carly, this comment is TOTALLY unrelated to this post, but I saw a comment of yours on Kristina Werner's blog asking if she knew of any sources for Photoshop tips and I wanted to share one with you. She has all sorts of stuff on her blog, but you will particularly LOVE the Photography section - she speaks plain English and makes it really easy to understand how to do cool stuff in Photoshop. Anyway, sorry about the novel I've just written, but I hope it helps :)

Ashley T. said...

"BOB! Can you imagine me on a safari Bob? Well, I was! Me and the Misses!" hahaha! Oh, i love that movie too! Congrats on being done with school. I was done with school for 5 days and then i started again for Spring term, but it's okay because I have less than 7 weeks left! I missed you at the family party! It's just not the same without you and Mike! Love ya