Monday, March 24, 2008


Today I am grateful for the plan of salvation.
Today I feel blessed that for a short time I knew Grandpa Kropf. What a positive attitude he had, even when he was pretty sick this last week. I know he was ready to go and I'm grateful he didn't suffer for too long before he passed away this morning.

Today I wonder why life lasts so long or is taken so quickly.
Today I remember how precious life is, and that we never know when our time here will end.
Today I'm grateful that I'm sealed to my family.
Today I see things in a new perspective.
Today I am reminded about what's really important.


Chelsie said...

Great post Car! He looks so sweet. Times like those always make me especially greatful for our knowledge of the gospel...I hope the family is doing alright...let us know if you need anything

Anonymous said...

Oh Carly, I don't know what we would do with out you!!! You are so sweet for that post. Thank you for being part of my family!!


Ashley said...

I'm sorry to hear your sad news. Thanks for the reminder of things to be grateful for.

Erin :) said...

What a beautiful picture of the 3 of you! Our knowledge of the gospel makes things like this a lot easier to cope with. I hope all the family is doing well! Love you! :)

Camille said...

Carly I'm so sorry that he's gone. It's always so sad to lose someone close to you. Thank you for your kindness during our loss. It's a great reminder of why we just celebrated Easter and that how wonderful it will be to see them again! Your blog is just what I needed to hear this week. Thanks for always being such a wonderful example..I love you and I'm thinking about you!

Anonymous said...

Carly, so sorry to hear about your grandfather. Life is fragile, we should always tell those we love how precious they are to us!
I was going to buy "Enchanted" for Erika and Camille for Easter, but those naughty bunnies bought it earlier in the week. I thought I'd be sneaky and get them the sound track (after seeing that you have been listening to it). I asked the music manager where it was located. He told me that it had come with the movie, but since had been recalled! "What,it was only released 4 days ago!" I was shocked! "Well," he replied, "apparently there is a rap song on the cd with lyrics that are not appropriate for Little Princesses!"

Love ya!
Aunt Annie

Julie said...

So sorry to hear about Mike's grandpa. I appreciated your testimony, though.

Anne said...

I am so sorry to hear about Mike's grandpa! The cruise was so much fun and the islands were gorgeous! How is school, work, and married life you crazy busy woman?

Jacki said...

I didn't mean to make you embarrassed Carly. :) I thought it was cute! I can't wait to see everyone this weekend!