Sunday, March 2, 2008


it's going to be one of those weeks. and it's only sunday. science test, political research assignment, brochure critique and design, fiction story due . . . the last thing i should be doing right now is blogging but i don't even know where to start so i'm choosing to procrastinate a little longer. this morning our shower kind of exploded. i'm pretty sure it's my fault, i cleaned the shower head yesterday and twisted it so it was turned off. when mike tried to pull up the shower faucet to turn on the shower, it just, well. . . this is what's left, a pipe sticking out of the wall:
mike is in the process of fixing it right now. all i can say is that with everything else going on this week, i really hope we get to take showers :)
On a positive note, it was a fabulous weekend. i got to spend it with some of my favorite people. of course i didn't do homework to alleviate my stress for the rest of the week. i went to kennedy's basketball game on friday which they WON so that was cool. i got to chat with some lovely ladies from my old ward. kennedy slept over friday night, of course there was lots of giggling and fun. we ate at firehouse and watched "the waitress" which i loved. very cute movie. i met lisa for lunch on saturday. i always love catching up with her since we don't get to talk as much as we used to. and i got all my wedding pictures back which i am very excited about. we ran into camille and annette at the scrapbook store- i love those girls and miss them. so the weekend was good. and the week, well, it just started but i'm going to be like erin and make lemonade from lemons.


Erin :) said...

Aw...good luck with everything!!! Homework, projects, tests, and getting your shower fixed (because showers are nice)! So I am going to be coming home next weekend and then again for General Conference (that's looking a bit ahead) but do you want to do something one of those times!?! Let me know what works for you! :)

Love ya and good luck with your week! Call if you need moral support! :)

Chelsie said...

Ah man, I'm sorry about your shower and all of your homework! But I'm jealous you went to firehouse....mmmmm!! Such cute sisters!

Ashley said...

ooo, lucky! I love the Firehouse. Yum! That stinks about your shower...

Jacki said...

Wow, sorry about your shower exploding.That kinda sucks! Hope you get it fixed soon. How are things going otherwise? Sounds like school is keeping you pretty busy! Yeah, bethie is doing weight watchers too and has lost 11 pounds so far..YEAH FOR US! It is so worth it, we feel so much better. :) You should do it again(not that you need to). Then we can motivate each other! :)

Camille said...

What a great attitude you have!!! I absolutetly LOVED seeing you Saturday!!!!!!!! I miss you so much!!! Hopefully you can get all your homework done (aren't you jealous I'm all done with school!), and shower (we don't want stinkies!) and come scrapbook on Friday so I can catch up with you again!

Trimbles said...

THats such a cute pic. Now I totally understand procrastination because I too am supposed to be studying right now, but what am I doing? Blogging :) Who care I have finals next week. HAHA. Now I do have to ask... is the black scrubby Mikes? HAHAHA...

Steph said...

Hey Carly it's Steph! I'm so glad you wrote to me on my blog, I haven't talked to you in a long time! Nursing school is crazy and stressful but life is good. :) Sorry about your shower. We know how things that like go. Jared tried to replace our water heater and it took him about 12 hours because there was a leak in the pipes somewhere. Oh the joys of self-home improvement!

Julie said...

Cute pink and black scrubbers in your shower. Sorry it exploded. I love the photo of you and Kennedy. Two AMAZING sisters that I love so much! (She was sure awesome in that basketball game)

Stacie said...

sure thing dear. I will only be gone one day of spring break for a little leaving of logan day. Other than that, I will be oh so busy trying to catch up on all the things I've been slacking. wa-ha! It should be wonderful.
I'm loving your cute straight hair in the pic with kennedy. I can't believe how much she looks like you! It's like looking into a window of my past. You cute girls!

Lisa said...

I'm glad you like them! Lunch was so fun! We need to do that more often! I hope you can come scrapbook on Friday. It's going to be so fun! I'm going to cook a fun, yummy dinner. That's no good about your shower! Good luck with all the school stuff, your reward for getting everything done will be scrapbooking! Love you!